Your Plan for Hazardous Materials

What is WHMIS and why do I need it?
Did you know that EVERYONE in an organization who uses SDS-regulated products or has the POTENTIAL to use them requires the two-part WHMIS training and certification?
Despite WHMIS being a requirement in workplace legislation, it remains one of the most neglected safety certifications required for employees, volunteers, managers, and students.
It is not uncommon to come across businesses where only one supervisor or one on-site staff member has a current and up-to-date WHMIS certification. This greatly increases business and worker injury risk. Incomplete on-site training for specific hazardous products can lead to lost time, productivity, and in some tragic cases, life.
We have all your WHMIS solutions—our in-person and remote training sessions are even complemented by an in-house chemist to help answer questions that may arise during the WHMIS training process.
Your WHMIS Toolbox
Now offering complete WHMIS training in-person or virtually.
Legislative Training & Certification
With materials unique to every jobsite, it is essential that any hazardous materials are properly labeled, stored, and handled. Our WHMIS certification training arms staff with the how, what, and why of universal symbols and compliance.

Workplace Specific Training​
Familiarize your team with the materials that matter most to them - reading SDS sheets, best practices for chemicals they handle regularly, and any other pertinent training that leads to a more efficient and safe workplace.

Did you know, you need BOTH?
Don't get caught with only half the training.

Have all team members already completed their GHS WHMIS 2015 certification?​
Book with us for professional on-site-specific WHMIS training. Or, round out your product-specific education with legislative understanding—whatever it takes to get your team up to speed and keep your business on track.
Implementation Packages
With your training in place, next comes workplace implementation.
For most, this looks like product labeling, identification, storage, and providing SDS resources—each crucial for audits, incident reporting, and inspections.
Don’t have the time to complete or optimize implementation? We're here to help. At Dynamic Resilience Management, we put theory into practice by ensuring that employees and team members have access to relevant safety materials at all times, helping you and your managers to prevent costly downtime.
WHMIS Maintenance & Refresher
Like any other safety program in Alberta, WHMIS needs to be maintained.
WHMIS Training & Certification is vital in any business, no matter how small or large. WHMIS is vital for anyone considering a robust Safety COR SECOR Program.
Looking to improve your business operations?
Explore our Risk-Management solutions:
Disaster & Emergency Management, and Business Continuity

Without maintenance, the WHMIS program in your workplace will become inaccurate, out of date, or otherwise lose its effectiveness.
WHMIS maintenance is a service that may be added at any point after WHMIS implementation. We will take care of all the WHMIS-related work upfront so you can concentrate on growing your business.
WHMIS requires a refresher once a year. We offer this maintenance in-person, virtually, or through an online video that gives refresher certification.